2024-2025 Student Handbook 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Vocational Policy

Work Education Program: Purpose and Philosophy

The College’s vocational goal is to promote a strong work ethic, encouraging the development of good character and values. The Work Education Program is an integral part of this goal and the College’s overall educational model.

General Provisions of the Work Education Program

All full-time students (enrolled for 12+ credit hours) must participate in the work education program to contribute toward their cost of education, Students must work at least 280 hours per semester (approximately 15 hours per week and one 40-hour work week). Hours worked during the academic year that are above the required 280 per semester will be credited to cost of education/tuition after the last May work.

Once students are assigned to a specific workstation, their supervisor will set work schedules that coordinate with class schedules. Students are required to work the hours scheduled unless their supervisor approves a change.

Students must work in the workstation where they are assigned. Although each workstation is different, students are expected to work the assigned days and times for work based on the College’s needs. Students may be asked to work any day of the week at any time of the day.

All records of students’ work hours are kept in Cash Accounts. Questions regarding hours worked and overall work hours will be referred to that office. If a student does not work the required number of hours each year, the difference will be charged to their account.

Making Up Lost Work Hours

Students may get behind in their work hours through no fault of their own due to illness, family emergencies, school trips, etc. All missed work hours must be made up at a time approved by their work supervisor and/or the Dean of Work Education. Students may make up these missed hours during the regular semester by working a few extra hours each week. It may be necessary for these missed hours to be made up during vacation periods. Students are expected to settle their work accounts each semester to continue the work program.

Extra Hours

Students may use extra work hours for some campus services, such as laundry, OTC medication from the clinic, or milk from the dairy (one gallon per week).

Evaluation of Student Work

Near the end of each semester, the workstation supervisors will meet with each student to discuss their performance and make suggestions for improvement. Work grades are recorded on the student’s academic transcript in the Registrar’s office.

The College encourages all students to do their best and strive for high work performance grades. Students receiving low work grades (anything below C-) are placed on probation and given one semester to improve or face dismissal from the work program. A grade of “F” may result in immediate dismissal without a probationary period, depending upon the circumstances. A student who believes an error has been made in recording their work grade or feels that a grade is unjust must first contact their work supervisor. If the situation is not resolved, the student may appeal to the Dean of Work Education.

Work-related Injuries

Occasionally, students may be injured on their campus jobs. If it is an emergency, call 911. If it is a non-emergency, the student should inform their supervisor and go directly to the Armstrong McDonald Clinic for medical attention or for transportation to off-campus medical facilities if the injury is beyond campus capabilities. If the injury occurs when the campus clinic is closed, the student should contact Switchboard (x3000) for assistance.

Students must follow this procedure. Those who proceed directly to off-campus medical facilities without authorization from campus medical personnel may assume financial responsibility and forfeit applicable worker’s compensation benefits.

Work Transfers

Students who wish to transfer from their assigned workstation to another must fill out a transfer request via Campus Portal. Transfers are not guaranteed, and the Dean of Work Education makes the final decision in all work assignments.

General Work Education Program Policies

  1. Most workstations use time clocks or computer terminals to record work hours. Each student must record their own time. A student may be dismissed from the work program for attempting to forge or otherwise enter another student’s time record or falsely represent time worked.
  2. Students receive work time credit for actual time worked.
  3. Students are not allowed to leave work for personal errands.
  4. Students are not allowed to work extra hours one week to cut another week short unless this practice is consistent with the needs of the workstation and has advance approval of the supervisor.
  5. Students are not permitted to work extra hours during the semester to bypass their required 40-hour work weeks.
  6. All full-time students must work two 40-hour weeks per year.
  7. Resident students not scheduled to work a 40-hour week must have special permission to remain on campus. In addition, these students must either pay cash for meals they eat in the Dining Hall or make advance arrangements to work an additional 15 hours to cover the costs.
  8. The last week of the semester (finals week) is a work week, and students are expected to report to work as scheduled by their supervisors.
  9. The Dean of Work Education oversees all aspects of the work program. If a violation of conduct is reported, the Dean of Work Education and the Dean of Students will conduct a hearing for the individual(s) involved.

Students who have questions regarding the work program that have not been addressed should consult with their work supervisor or the Dean of Work Education.