2021 - 2022 College Catalog 
    Dec 21, 2024  
2021 - 2022 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CSC 233 - Programming Fundamentals II

Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: CSC 123   and CSC 133  with a grade of C- or better and MAT 135  or higher.  Programming Fundamentals II builds on the Programming Fundamentals I course and teaches more advanced object-oriented programming (object-oriented methodology, inheritance, UML diagrams, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces and others), advanced problem-solving strategies (divide and conquer, greedy algorithm, dynamic programming, recursive backtracking, etc.), programming interactive systems (event-driven, concurrent programming, model-view-controller pattern, basic human-computer interaction), software engineering issues (refactoring, design pattern, advanced debugging, etc.), and basic algorithms analysis (profiling, best-case, excepted/average-case, and worst-case behavior of algorithm, time-space trade-offs and others). Course fee required.  Spring