2018-2019 College Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2018-2019 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Student life at College of the Ozarks is comprised of much more than classes, study, and workstations. Some extracurricular activities, such as convocations and chapel attendance, are required, and there are regulations governing certain aspects of campus life. Students should consult the Student Handbook for the current rules and regulations concerning student life. There are a number of activities and many clubs and organizations open to all students, including athletics, fine arts, publications, and the Students’ Union.

Student Services

The following areas are services or activities provided by the College:


Athletics and sports activities are an important part of the extracurricular offerings at College of the Ozarks. The College fieldhouse has three basketball courts, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, weight room, racquetball courts, dance studio, volleyball, badminton, and table tennis facilities. Outdoor areas include an all-weather track, softball and baseball fields, and tennis courts. A student-administered intramural program offers a variety of sports, and impromptu soccer, frisbee, and football games are a regular part of free hours.

College of the Ozarks is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and the National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA).  The College offers women’s teams in volleyball, basketball, cross country, and indoor/outdoor track.  Men’s teams feature basketball, baseball, cross country, and indoor/outdoor track. The College also offers a cheer team comprised of men and women.

Campus Housing

Housing is available in five women’s halls (Ashcroft, Foster, Mabee, Mann, and Memorial) and in four men’s halls (Barrett, Youngman, Kelce East, and Kelce West). Residence Hall rules and regulations are published in the Student Handbook.

Fire Department

The campus Fire Department is a volunteer service organization which provides fire protection for the campus. It is composed of three companies, six students each, with each of the companies rotating each day on duty. The firefighters live in the campus fire station and operate with up-to-date fire-fighting and life-saving equipment.

Food Service

Food Service is provided by the Pearl Rogers Dining Hall, located in the Good College Center.

Good Memorial College Center

The College Center is a focus of student life. The College Center houses the student dining hall, a snack bar, student center with Students’ Union offices, and the College bookstore.

Medical Services

Medical Services are provided on campus for students and medical files maintained for each student. College of the Ozarks clinic is staffed by Registered Nurses. A local physician’s assistant is a part-time member of the staff, and other medical specialists are consulted when necessary. Cox Hospital in Branson, four miles from the campus, is available for major surgery or for care during serious illness. Upon entrance to the College, students give college officials permission to administer emergency treatment or surgery if such treatment is recommended by the College’s medical staff. Students may obtain limited medical services free of charge, and medical supplies may be paid for through the student’s work account.

Medical Leave

Medical Leave Of Absence (“MLOA”) is a category of non-academic leave for students who are temporarily unable to continue their studies or participate in the work program due to a medical or psychological condition. Students on a MLOA are regarded as having permanently withdrawn from the College and need to apply for readmission through the Admissions Office. As part of the readmission process described in this policy, the student must be approved for fitness to return to full-time course work of at least twelve (12) hours and participation in the Work Education Program of fifteen (15) hours per week.

A MLOA may be initiated at the request of a student or it may be required by the College if the College determines that a student’s medical condition, behavior, or emotional or psychological condition compromises minimal standards of academic and work performance and/or college life.

Medical Leave of Absence Requested by a Student

A student may apply for a MLOA by providing a written Request for Medical Leave that is completed by a student or his/her representative. The completed MLOA application along with appropriate documentation from a physician, mental health provider or other qualified caregiver who is not a family member must be submitted to the Clinic Administrator. The student must also sign an Authorization for the Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information to allow the College to speak to the student’s health care providers. The application and supporting information will be reviewed to determine if the leave should be granted.

If a MLOA is granted, the Clinic Administrator will notify the student in writing of the determination along with the Dean of the College, the Dean of Students, the Dean of Work Education, the Dean of Admissions, the Registrar, the Director of Financial Aid and the Business Office. The Registrar will inform the student of the status of current coursework and withdrawal from the College. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Financial Aid Office and the Business Office to discuss the implications of the MLOA on his/her financial aid and on his/her student account.

A MLOA must be initiated within three weeks of the student’s last date of class attendance. A MLOA will not be approved retroactively. A student must complete all necessary paperwork, on or before the final day of classes to obtain a MLOA for the current semester. Any request submitted after the final day of classes will be considered for the following semester. The student may not register for classes while on a MLOA. The granting of a MLOA does not guarantee that the student will be allowed to return to the College.

MLOA Reapplication and Reenrollment

Students returning from a MLOA must provide the Clinic Administrator with a detailed summary of the treatment the student received during the MLOA. If the student is under the care of more than one health care provider, a letter from each and all providers is required. The provider may not be a family member. The health information that is provided must contain the following information: (1) a diagnosis; (2) medications, dosages, length of time on each medication, length of time the student has been stable on the current dosage of each medication; (3) confirmation of the student’s successful completion of coursework, internships or employment (if applicable); (4) the basis for the health care provider’s recommendation that the student is ready to return to the College. The student must sign and date an Authorization for the Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information Form to allow the College to speak to the student’s health care providers. The student will also be required to sign an authorization that permits consultation within the College as to the student’s fitness to return.

The Clinic Administrator will evaluate the information provided by the student and make a determination whether the student is medically able to return to the College. If the College feels that the information provided by the student is inadequate, it reserves the right to obtain a second opinion at its expense. Re-enrollment is based on the student’s readiness to manage a full-time course load of at least 12 hours and participate in the Work Education Program by working 15 hours per week. The Dean of Admissions office will notify the student in writing of its’ determination considering the following: (1) health care provider’s evaluation and recommendation; (2) the student’s demonstrated ability to engage in productive and realistic academic planning; (3) the student’s personal statement included on the re-enrollment application; (4) the student’s interview; (5) any coursework completed or employment during the MLOA; and (6) any other factors the College deems relevant for the student’s particular circumstances.

Medical Leave of Absence Initiated by the College

A MLOA may be initiated by the College when a student’s behavior or emotional or psychological condition compromises minimal standards of academic or work performance and/or college life. Examples of situations where the College may initiate a MLOA include, but not limited to:

  • Students deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.
  • Students whose behavior is severely disruptive to others.
  • Students who do not comply with assessment or treatment required by the College.
  • Students whose condition requires specialized services beyond those available at the College.

A student placed on an involuntary MLOA may appeal the College’s decision by following the Student Appeals Procedures set out in the Student Handbook.

Students placed on a MLOA by the College will follow the same steps for reapplication/reenrollment. The granting of a MLOA does not guarantee that the student will be allowed to return to the College.

Students on MLOA will not be charged for work hours after the official withdrawal date, but are responsible for required work hours prior to that date.

Performing Arts

These activities are open to all students. The Theatre Department produces a number of plays each year. Opportunities for acting and backstage work are available on either a voluntary or credit-hour basis. Musical programs sponsored by the Music Department are also a regular feature of campus life, as are exhibits of student work at the Boger Art Gallery in the Jones Learning Center.

Student Automobiles

Student automobiles are registered with the Dean of Students. Students are expected to follow traffic regulations set forth in the student handbook and enforced by campus security. Parking lots for resident students are maintained. Violation of traffic regulations will result in fines, probation, or suspension.

Students with Disabilities-Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

College of the Ozarks is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities to qualified students with physical or mental disabilities as intended by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Section 504 states that “no qualified individual with a disability in the United States shall be excluded from, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under” any program or activity that either receives Federal financial assistance or is conducted by any Executive agency or the United States Postal Service.

Agencies that provide Federal financial assistance also have section 504 regulations covering entities that receive Federal aid. Requirements common to these regulations include reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities; program accessibility; effective communication with people who have hearing or vision disabilities; and accessible new construction and alterations.

A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities. The type of disability determines the appropriate accommodations. Commonly requested academic accommodations include:

  • Seating in a particular section of a classroom
  • Extended time for completing exams and other in class activities
  • Access to an elevator
  • Audio recording of class lectures
  • Access to enlarged print materials
  • Testing in a location other than the classroom
  • Audio recordings of reading material
  • Someone to record class notes
  • Provision of a tutor

Appropriate accommodations will be determined on a case by case basis through conversation between the student and the College. While the College aims to accommodate students to help them to be academically successful, not all accommodation requests will be granted, and the College will not fundamentally alter its programs in order to accommodate a student.

Students are responsible for providing timely and appropriate documentation concerning their disability and of the need for accommodation. Appropriate documentation will vary depending on the situation and claimed disability, and may include an official medical diagnosis, psychological evaluations, high school IEP, etc. Certain disabilities that are more obvious in nature may require less documentation.

Granted accommodations are not effective retroactively, and do not cover academic activities assigned and/or completed before the student asked for and received accommodations.

Students interested in academic accommodation should contact the Dean of the College Office. Upon submission of appropriate documentation, the staff in the dean’s office will work with the student to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. At the beginning of each semester students should visit the office in order to sign a form granting permission for the office to notify the student’s professors of the agreed upon accommodations. If a student is not satisfied with the accommodations being offered, he or she should request a meeting with the Dean of the College to discuss these concerns.

The same process applies to requests for accommodation in the student’s work station and for general accessibility issues. For work station accommodation, contact the Dean of Work Education Office. For physical accessibility only, contact the Dean of Students Office.

Students with disabilities are also advised to take advantage of programs and courses offered to all students, for instance the Writing Center, math and science review sessions, counseling center, and use of word processing software with spelling and grammar checking.

Student Publications

Student Publications offer experiences in writing, editing and photography. These publications include Phoenix, the college yearbook, and Outlook, the weekly student newspaper. Subscription to all student publications is pre-paid by virtue of the student’s Health/ Technology/Service fee.

The Students’ Union

The Students’ Union (“The U”): Five student directors will act as an outlet for voiced student concerns, keep the campus community informed via the use of relevant media, encourage student-fan participation at C of O varsity athletic events, and plan activities outside of the classroom to inspire campus-wide community while upholding the College’s mission, vision, and goals. The five director positions are considered work station positions, and students may apply during the regular posted work station application period.  Qualified candidates will be interviewed and selected by the student activities director and the dean of students. In addition to the five student directors, sixteen student-body elected leadership council members will assist in fulfilling the charge of this organization.

Weapons and Fireworks

Students are not allowed to keep fireworks or weapons as defined in Missouri Revised Statute, Title XXXVIII, Chapter 571 on campus.

Writing Center

The Writing Center is an academic support service for students desiring one-on-one assistance in writing and related verbal skill areas. The writing assistants are trained student tutors who help other students develop ideas with greater specificity. Writing assistants also help other students identify and correct a wide variety of writing problems during any stage of the writing process. Areas of assistance include all forms of writing, editing and revising techniques, thinking strategies, vocabulary, grammar mechanics and usage, research strategies, and proper documentation (such as APA or MLA).

Student Development

Career Center

The Career Center provides assistance in planning and formulating vocational goals. By the use of assessments, the staff can assist in exploring vocational options and deciding academic majors. Support is provided in using an online resource management system that will help in preparing a cover letter, writing a resume, and networking. The Career Center sponsors two Career Expos, a Summer Resource Fair, employers’ on campus interviews, professional enhancement seminars, graduate school preparation, direct employer contacts, and mock and/or virtual interviews to develop the soft skills needed to interview in a professional manner. Information on part-time and full-time professional employment and internships is available. For more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or through the Career Center link on Campusweb.  You can also contact us at career@cofo.edu or 417-690-3248. The Career Center is located on the second floor of Berger Hall.


Counselors are available to encourage and support students as they explore personal issues through the counseling process. Individual, confidential counseling, as well as group counseling when the need arises, is provided to enhance self-awareness and personal growth. Appointments with a counselor can be scheduled through the Christian Ministries Office.


The ACT, Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA), career, interest, and personality tests are available to those who wish to examine their academic and vocational goals. Information and registration material for several nationally administered exams required for graduate school is also available. Personality and psychological tests can be arranged and administered through the Psychology Department, ACT tests through the Admissions Office, MoGEA through the Education Department.

Student Honor Societies

Honor Societies

Delta Tau Alpha is a National Agricultural Honor Society of men and women who are scholastically banded by their achievements in scholarship, leadership, and in character. Delta Tau Alpha (D.T.A.) members are expected to be “Dedicated To Agriculture” and become active members of this organization. A member enjoys experiences ranging from fellowship in group outings and campus activities to leadership opportunities, including chapter officer to regional or national officer. Requirements for membership: A) complete 12 hours of agriculture courses; B) complete 45 hours of total college courses; C) rank within the upper 35 percent of your class in overall GPA. Contact an agriculture faculty member for application forms and further details.

Eta Sigma Delta is a faculty-sponsored, student-led organization affiliated with Eta Sigma Delta International, dedicated to learning and service to the College community. It recognizes exceptional achievement among hospitality and tourism students. Undergraduate members must have completed 50% of the credit hours required for graduation, have officially declared a hospitality management major (or a closely allied field), have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in a 4.0 system, and agree to uphold the values of excellence, leadership, creativity, service and ethics.

Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor Society in Education, strives to promote excellence in and recognize outstanding contributions to education. Kappa Delta Pi endeavors to maintain a high degree of professional fellowship among its members, to quicken professional growth, and to honor achievement in educational work. The local chapter at College of the Ozarks is Upsilon Delta. This chapter is open to education majors at C of O who have completed 50 or more hours with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher. In addition to the formal initiation ceremony held annually, the chapter sponsors speakers and activities designed to promote excellence in education. The chapter also participates in campus events, such as those sponsored by Student Senate.

Lambda Pi Eta, a Communication Arts Honor Society, was developed in 1985 at the University of Arkansas. The College of the Ozarks chapter (Alpha Alpha Psi) was established in 2011. Students are inducted based on a number of criteria, including, but not limited to, academic GPA, class standing, and recommendation by faculty. The primary aim of this society is to bring students of high achievement together in order to: 1) Recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies; 2) Stimulate interest in the field of communication; 3) Promote and encourage professional development among communication majors; 4) Provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication; 5) Establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students; and 6) Explore options for graduate education in communication studies.

Phi Alpha Theta, the national honor society in history, has as its mission promoting the study of history through encouragement of good teaching, research and writing, and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. Upsilon Nu Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta was established at College of the Ozarks in 1973.

Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology founded for the purposes of encouraging excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to those making the study of psychology one of their major interests and who meet the qualifications of ranking within the upper 35 percent of their class in overall GPA. The C of O chapter attempts to stimulate professional growth through programs designed to enhance the regular curriculum and provides practical experience and fellowship through affiliation with other chapters. In addition, the national organization provides programs to help achieve these goals, including regional and national conventions, research award competitions, and certificate recognition programs. Psi Chi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Society (APS). The National Society publishes a quarterly Psi Chi Newsletter which helps to unite the members as well as to inform and recognize their accomplishments.

Sigma Beta Delta: The purposes of Sigma Beta Delta are to encourage and recognize scholarship and achievement among students of business, and to encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. Membership is open to students with majors in Accounting or Business Administration with an overall GPA of 3.6 or higher, at least 61 total hours completed, and at least half of the requirements of their majors completed. Students must also be recommended by the Sigma Beta Delta Faculty committee. Sigma Beta Delta was established at College of the Ozarks during the fall 2008 semester.

Sigma Tau Delta: The International English Honor Society’s central purpose is to confer distinction upon outstanding students of the English language and literature studies. Members have the opportunity to publish their writing in The Rectangle, and student members are eligible to compete for a number of writing awards. In addition, student members may receive international recognition through academic scholarships, professional internships, and teaching awards.

Theta Alpha Kappa: The national honor society for academic studies in religion and theology exists to encourage, recognize, and maintain excellence in such studies within baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate degree programs. The Alpha Mu Beta chapter at College of the Ozarks was established in 2014.

Clubs and Organizations

A.C.M. Computer Science
Act I
Agriculture Club
Agriculture Education Club
Baptist Student Union (BSU)
Biology Club
Business Undergraduate Society
C of O Handbells
Catholic Christian Ministry
Chemistry Club
Chi Alpha
Christian Psychology Club
College Historians
College Republicans
Concert Band
Criminal Justice
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fire Department
Graphic Arts Club
Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Club (HPER)
Horticulture Club
Hotel & Restaurant Society

International Relations
Jazz Band
Jones Theatre Company
Junior Class
Leadership Development Track (LDT)
Mass Communications
Math/Physics Club
Missions Club
Mu Kappa
Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF)
Pre-Med Club
Public Relations Club
Rotoract Club
Sigma Zeta
Sophomore Class
Student Alumni Association (SAA)
Student-Missouri State Teachers Association (SMSTA)
Students’ Union
Supreme Court
Wilderness Activities Club (WAC)
Young Americans for Freedom