2018-2019 College Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2018-2019 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Educational Philosophy

Faithful Education

            College of the Ozarks seeks to educate students faithfully in the fullness of human knowledge. Such knowledge can be grasped rightly only in the fullness of relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one in whom “all things hold together,” and “all things were created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16-17). He is the starting point, the foundation, and the goal of all that exists (Revelation 22:13).   

               Unlike many institutions of higher education, the College intentionally puts Jesus Christ at the center of the educational process in order to provide what its founder, Reverend James Forsythe, called a truly “Christian” education. The College calls education centered on Jesus Christ faithful education. In faithful education there is no divide between sacred and secular knowledge because Jesus is the very wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:18) in whom all that is true, good, and beautiful is found, whether in accounting or zoology, in history or psychology. In Jesus Christ all knowledge is integrated and whole - there are not many, disconnected disciplines but one God-created reality through which the one God reveals himself consistently in many places and ways. Faithful education seeks to pursue learning in the context of faith in the God of the Bible - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and to remain faithful to God’s own revelation in the Bible, in history, in nature, and most fully in Jesus Christ.

                Faithful education promotes deep intellectual investigation because God makes himself known in the world. To be faithfully educated, it is vital that students gain an understanding of the Bible and theology to provide a foundation for other learning. It is essential that they develop a broad and critical understanding of the arts, history, literature, philosophy, and science that have shaped and defined Western culture. It is necessary for them to develop thinking skills through the study and practice of math, reading, writing, and other forms of creative communication. It is imperative that they develop depth of knowledge in a particular academic discipline.

               But faithful education shapes the hands and the heart as well as the head. The College’s required Work Education Program provides a practical laboratory in which students can apply to their work what they have learned in classes and other settings, and apply their work experience to their academic learning, reinforcing the unity of all knowledge in Christ.  And the pervasive emphasis on Christ-like character on campus, whether in student life or Christian ministries activities or required convocations or academic activities, rightly places at the center of the educational experience the formation of each student’s heart into the shape of Jesus Christ. This focus on whole-person development is expressed in the College’s five-fold mission of encouraging academic, vocational, Christian, patriotic, and cultural growth.

               In light of its biblical and theological foundation, it is clear that faithful education (or any education for that matter) cannot succeed by naively ignoring the problem of human rebellion against God. The corruption resulting from this rebellion impacts all human activity, and is most prevalent and obvious in areas of study that touch directly on core truths about the nature of the world and humanity. Because of human sin, knowledge is distorted and used for selfish ends, disordered desires are rationalized and encouraged, and scholarship is focused not on what is true, good, and beautiful but on what brings personal glory or satisfaction. Pride is valued, and Christ-like humility despised. Immorality is justified using rational though wrong arguments.

               Faithful education, therefore, takes seriously the Apostle Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 8: “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.”  Unless the heart is developed to love God and neighbor and to depend humbly on the Holy Spirit for enablement, then simply gaining knowledge cannot be called faithful education. For this reason, the College gives a central place to the development of Christ-like character: Our vision is to develop citizens of Christ-like character who are well-educated, hard-working, and patriotic. It is only in the pursuit of Christ-like character, of necessity aided by the Holy Spirit, that one can be faithfully educated, not just with important information and skills but with the wisdom, discernment, and discipline to live the life of flourishing that God intends for all humans. Students at College of the Ozarks therefore join a quest, in the company and support of many others, to find the character and “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16) promised to those who live in Christ.

               College of the Ozarks seeks, then, to graduate young men and women who are both holy and wholly-educated. They will, we pray, put Christ first, gain the knowledge that is essential for an educated person, be developing in the character of Christ, and be prepared to be effective in whatever vocation God calls them to. They will pursue excellence in whatever they do, not for personal gain but as a form of worship to the one who created and redeemed them. They will be good citizens, spouses, parents, workers, and community members.  They will live sacrificially and devote their lives to serving and loving God and others.

Approved by the Board of Trustees, October 2016

Academic Advising

Each student receives academic advice from a faculty member who helps him or her plan a program, explains the degree requirements of College of the Ozarks, and helps with individual academic issues. The Dean of the College assigns academic advisors based on the student’s declared major. Students desiring to change their advisor or major should go to the office of the Dean of the College for the appropriate forms. In addition, students may seek academic advice or assistance at any time in the office of the Dean of the College and/or the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Assessment

Each academic department has created an assessment plan delineating specific objectives and outcomes for its majors. Department members assess and document these outcomes through a variety of means which are unique to each academic department and include portfolios, external exams, and acceptance into graduate programs. This assessment process is used to make changes in curricula, thus ensuring quality.

Academic Excellence

The College recognizes academic excellence in several ways. The Dean’s List, published at the end of each term, includes those students whose grade point average for 15 or more hours taken during that term is 3.60 or above. The President’s List recognizes those students whose grade point average is 4.00 in 15 or more hours in a semester. Students graduating with honors must have the following cumulative grade point averages (GPA is not rounded up):

Cumulative GPA Honors
3.60 - 3.74 Cum Laude
3.75 - 3.89 Magna Cum Laude
3.90 - 4.00 Summa Cum Laude

Academic Honesty

College of the Ozarks exists to provide students with more than an academic education. The five-fold mission serves to emphasize the values the College holds to produce well-rounded, Christ-like individuals. As a result, the College places a high value on character and on developing students of Christ-like character. College of the Ozarks’ emphasis on Christ-like character begins when students arrive on campus for Character Camp and goes until the student’s graduation or other separation for the College. During Character Camp, every new student is expected to sign the Honor Code and comply with the code while a student at College of the Ozarks. The Honor Code reads: I agree to be an honest, trustworthy, caring, and responsible citizen. I will uphold these values in others and myself.

College of the Ozarks also expects and demands high standards of intellectual honesty from its students. These high standards require that dishonest work be rejected and that those students engaging in such work bear the consequences, which may include zero credit on assignments, failing course grades, probation, suspension, and/or expulsion from the College.

Cheating on quizzes, tests, examinations, or other graded exercises is (1) borrowing another student’s answers, (2) providing answers for other students, (3) using unauthorized material during the exercises, or (4) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the College faculty or staff.

Plagiarism, or academic theft, is presenting the words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in an assignment without giving them due credit as the originator of those words or ideas. A student is guilty of plagiarism if he or she submits as his or her own work a written or spoken assignment that contains words or ideas copied from another person’s book, article, manuscript, notes, Internet site, calculations, translations, computer programs, or any other source. Obviously, turning in another student’s assignment or a paper totally taken from someone else’s work is plagiarism. But it is also plagiarism to reword or summarize the words or ideas of another author and present them as part of one’s assignment unless one gives the author credit. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses a sequence of words or ideas without having digested, integrated, and reorganized the author’s words in his or her own mind and without acknowledgment in the assignment.

Similarly, a student is an accomplice in plagiarism and equally guilty (1) if he allows his own words in outline or finished form to be copied and submitted as the work of another; (2) if he prepares an assignment for another student and allows it to be submitted as that other student’s work; or (3) if he keeps or contributes to a file of papers, speeches, tests, lab work, or other assignments with the clear intent that they be copied and submitted as the work of anyone other than the author. Students should keep paper and electronic copies of all their notes and all their drafts of assignments to help prove their authorship in case questions of plagiarism should arise.

Academic Probation and Suspension

  1. A student will be placed on grade probation after the semester in which the cumulative GPA drops below 2.00 or semester GPA is below 1.00.
  2. A student on probation must take 16 or fewer semester hours and take IDS 021 - Learning Strategies .
  3. A student with a semester GPA of less than 1.00 will be suspended from the College unless he/she meets cumulative GPA requirements.
  4. A student placed on grade probation for two consecutive semesters will be automatically suspended.
  5. A student who fails (F grade) any class twice may be suspended at the discretion of the Dean of the College. 
  6. A student who is suspended for academic reasons is eligible to reapply for readmission after one complete semester; however, readmission is not guaranteed. Such students will compete better in the readmission process if they attend college elsewhere on a full-time basis and demonstrate ability to be successful in college level work.
  7. A student may appeal a suspension to the Dean of the College. The appeal must be in writing and set out the basis of the appeal.
  8. The Dean of the College may choose to extend probationary status if satisfactory progress toward raising the cumulative grade point average is evidenced.
  9. Any student who goes on grade probation will also be placed on financial aid probation.

A student on probation may not participate in auditioned theatre roles, student government, intercollegiate athletics, extracurricular college trips, auditioned ensembles, and other programs and scholarships that have grade point requirements. It is strongly advised that students on probation terminate any off-campus employment.

Many beginning college students do not realize how much time and effort a rigorous academic program demands. Therefore, College of the Ozarks strongly encourages its students not to accept off-campus employment until they have proven that such employment will not jeopardize their academic program performance.

Academic Records

The College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. In accordance with this federal law, all materials relating to student educational records are confidential with the exception of directory information. NOTE: Any student wishing to have directory information withheld must notify the Registrar’s Office in writing within thirty days after the first class day of any semester.

College of the Ozarks has designated the following information as directory information and may disclose such information at its discretion:

  • Name
  • Current enrollment status, including full or part-time
  • Address (local, permanent) or e-mail
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Major fields of study
  • Student’s photographic or videotaped image
  • Dates of attendance
  • Academic classification by year (e.g. freshman)
  • Awards and honors (e.g. Dean’s list)
  • Degree conferred (including dates)
  • Past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities
  • Weight/height of members of athletic teams

Academic Year

The academic year is divided into fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Adding a New Course

A student is permitted to add a new course through the first week of the term. There is no charge. Consultation with the student’s advisor is recommended; resulting overloads or underloads will need Dean of the College approval.


Audit opportunities are limited to current students, faculty, and staff with the permission of the instructor. A student may audit any course by enrolling on an audit basis at the time of registration, providing he or she has submitted the Application for Audit form by the end of the first week of class. Audit courses are not counted as a part of the academic load. The degree of participation for successful completion of audit is a matter to be decided and agreed upon by the instructor and auditor. Audited courses are paid for in the same manner as any credited hours, including drop fees. Successfully audited courses will be recorded on the transcript with a grade of AU. A grade of WP or WF is recorded for unsuccessful completion or a dropped course.


Campusweb is the name used for the student user interface. The password protected Campusweb account will allow access to the student’s personal student records, including course history (unofficial transcript), class schedule, class assignments, registration, and financial information. Grades will only be available through Campusweb or by ordering a transcript. Student accounts will not provide information by telephone, only through Campusweb or in person.

The student’s password allows access to both Campusweb and the student’s campus e-mail. The password allows access to the Campusweb after the student withdraws or graduates from the College; however, student e-mail will not be available after withdrawal or after June 30 of the year of graduation. Protection of the password is critical to security. Unauthorized use of someone else’s password is against school policy and may result in disciplinary action.

The e-mail address will be considered as a legal address for College notices. Students will be contacted regarding registration, schedules, legal notices, graduation, etc., through the campus e-mail. Students should check their campus e-mail frequently.

Change of Status

Students who wish to change their current student enrollment status (from part-time to full-time, commuting to the residence hall, or residence hall to commuting) must apply for a change of status. The change of status request form is available on Campusweb in student resources. The College has a limited number of full-time commuting positions available; once that number, dependent on enrollment, has been reached, the College may not consider further requests.

The application must be made well in advance of the semester that the desired change would go into effect. Applications must be submitted by February 15 for the Fall semester and September 15 for the Spring semester. Applications submitted after these dates are not guaranteed consideration.

Criteria for changing status from resident to commuting

Currently enrolled resident students at College of the Ozarks may be considered for commuting student status if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • the student must be a documented veteran,
  • live with parents/legal guardians,
  • or be married

Students may be considered for off-campus status if they are student teaching or doing nursing preceptorship.

Students who do not meet at least one of these conditions must live in the residence hall. Commuting distance should not exceed forty miles (exceptions considered for student teaching/nursing preceptorship).

Application for change of status process

Students may apply for a change of status online at Campusweb by clicking the student tab and selecting Change of Status request under Student Resources. Students will be notified of acceptance or denial via e-mail at their student.cofo.edu e-mail address.

Applications for change of status are subject to approval by the Dean of Admissions, Dean of the College, Dean of Students, and Dean of Work Education. Students should be in good standing in academics, student life, and the Work Education Program.

Students should be aware that upon application for change of status, they are declaring their intent to vacate their residence hall rooms for the following semester, and reinstatement of residence hall status may not be possible.

Change of status during semester

Students who elect to seek off-campus status that would go into effect during a semester, and are approved, will be charged for the full amount of room and board for that semester.

For students who move into the residence hall after the semester begins, room and board charges are prorated based on move-in date.

Students who elect to seek part-time status during the semester, and are approved, must work the full 280 hours for the semester.

Married students are not permitted to live in campus residence halls.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend classes for which they are registered and to meet course requirements in a satisfactory manner.

Excused absences are granted for students participating in officially sanctioned (Dean of the College approved) college activities and for students with a valid health clinic excuse. Students with an excused absence are allowed to make up missed class work. The classwork missed as a result of a planned activity may be due prior to the absence or by a specific date following the excused absence, as determined by the instructor. The names of students who are frequently absent from classes will be reported to the Dean of the College. Continued absenteeism may constitute grounds for suspension.

Class Standing

Student classification at College of the Ozarks follows the traditional freshman, sophomore, junior and senior designations. Freshmen are those with one to 30 semester hours of credit. Sophomores are those with 31 to 60 semester hours credit. Juniors have 61 to 90 semester hours. Seniors are those with 91 or more semester hours credit. Student classifications are based on earned hours.

Course Load

The approved course load is a minimum of 15 hours and a maximum of 18 hours in any semester (Exception: first semester students may be given a reduced load). Approval to carry an underload (under 15 hours) must be obtained from the Dean of the College. Students with an established College of the Ozarks GPA of 3.0 or greater qualify to take an overload without the Dean’s approval. Students without the qualifying GPA must obtain approval from the Dean of the College. The maximum approved overload is 22 credit hours. No student may drop below 12 hours (course hours for the semester; summer internship hours added to a fall schedule do not count in the minimum 12 credit hours) and remain in the residence hall. A student on academic probation may enroll for no more than 16 credit hours.

Course Prerequisites

Students are responsible for having successfully completed the appropriate prerequisites for a given course. Prerequisites are indicated in the catalog as well as on Campusweb. If an academic department determines a student has not completed the appropriate prerequisites for a given course, the student’s registration in the course may be cancelled prior to the end of the first week of class. 

Course Numbers

Course numbers at College of the Ozarks carry three or four digits: for example, ENG 103 or EDU 4102. For freshmen courses, the first digit is 1; for sophomore, junior, and senior courses, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Courses beginning with a “0” (zero) digit are skill building courses and do not meet general requirements. Learning Strategies IDS 021 - Learning Strategies , ENG 013 - Composition Skills , and MAT 013 - Intermediate Algebra  do not count toward the 125 hours required for graduation or classification. These course hours do count in the full-time/part-time hours for the semester in which they are taken.

Students wishing to enroll in any 300 or 400 level courses must have completed 45 credit hours OR have permission from the instructor.

Course Rotation

Courses listed in the College catalog designated “F/S” are offered every semester. Courses designated as “F” are offered during the fall semester, while “S” courses are offered every spring. Courses designated as “F-odd” or “S-odd” are offered in fall or spring semesters of odd numbered years. Courses listed as “F-even” or “S-even” are offered during even numbered years in the respective semesters.

Credit Hour Definition

College of the Ozarks considers a credit hour as being one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction with a minimum of two hours of out-of-class work each week of an academic term. For laboratory and studio classes, a credit hour typically includes two hours of activity per week. Internships receive one credit hour per 40 hours of activity on the internship. For directed readings, independent study, and special problems classes, individual faculty members determine the appropriate amount of work commensurate with a seated class with the same number of credit hours.

Dropping a Course

A student may drop a course during the first five days of a semester at no charge. Thereafter, a drop fee of $10 will apply to each course dropped from a schedule. Beginning with the second week of the semester students who drop a course will receive a WP or WF (withdraw passing; withdraw failing) up through the 14th week of the semester. If a course is dropped after the 14th week, the grade becomes an F. In special cases, such as a serious illness, a student may be allowed to reduce a course load beyond the usual deadline without penalty, but only with the approval of the Dean of the College. Courses beginning with a “0” digit are skills building courses and may not be dropped from the semester schedule. ENG 103 ENG 103 - College Composition  may only be dropped one time during a student’s enrollment at College of the Ozarks.

The number of hours for which a student is registered on the fifth day of the semester will determine the balance due for that semester. This balance due will not change even if a class is dropped later in the semester. Part-time students especially should note this policy.

Dual Enrollment High School Students

College of the Ozarks allows high school students to enroll in appropriate lower division college courses taken on campus for College of the Ozarks credit.  Students must be at least 16 years old at the time classes begin.  Permission from the student’s high school is required.  It is determined by the high school whether the college course will also satisfy high school credit requirements.  The College does not itself offer college credit through dual credit courses taught in high schools by high school instructors.

Grade Changes

A change of grade, other than an incomplete, occurs only under very unusual circumstances. No grade can be changed after the deadline for posting of grades each semester unless a written request is submitted to the Dean of the College by the instructor and approved by the Dean. In no case may a grade be raised by special examination.

Grading System

Mid-term and final grades are reported to the Registrar’s Office and posted on Campusweb. Grades are only available to students on Campusweb or by requesting an official transcript. The letter grades and their point values are as follows:

A = 4 B- = 2.7 D+ = 1.3
A- = 3.7 C+ = 2.3 D = 1.0
B+ = 3.3 C = 2.0 D- = .7
B = 3.0 C- =1.7 F = 0.0

Grade point averages are computed by dividing grade points earned by the number of Grade Point Average hours attempted. Hours attempted does NOT include I-Incomplete; WP-Withdraw Passing; W-Withdraw; WF- Withdraw Failing; P-Pass. Beginning January 1, 2017, transfer credits will not count towards cumulative grade point average.

An Incomplete (I grade) may be given when the student does not complete required course work by the end of the semester; this is usually the result of illness or some other situation beyond the control of the student. The instructor of the course must submit an Incomplete Grade Contract, signed by the student, before the end of the semester in which the I grade is given. If the work is not completed within 30 calendar days of the beginning of the semester following the assignment of the I, the I grade will be changed to an F. A time limit in excess of 30 days must be recommended by the faculty member involved and approved in advance by the Dean of the College.

Letter grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and D- are given in courses where more than 50% of the grade is based on evaluation of individual accomplishments such as tests, papers, performance etc. An additional 25% may be based on group assessments. No more than 24% of the grade may be based on class attendance.

Pass/Fail grades are given in activities or performance courses where 25% or more of the grade is based on attendance. All proficiency tests are graded pass/fail.

Grade Appeal

A student who believes an error has been made in the recording of a grade or that a grade is unjust must first contact the instructor. If the situation is not resolved, the student may appeal to the Division Chair and to the Dean of the College. A change of grade must be requested prior to the end of the first semester of enrollment (excluding summer) following the term in which the grade was assigned. For appeal of a work grade, the student should follow the procedure set forth in the Work Education Program  section of this catalog or the Student Handbook.

Graduation Check/Advising Worksheet

To assist students with scheduling and to monitor progress as course work is completed, an advising worksheet is available on Campusweb/Student Resources. Students should request a graduation check (also on Campusweb) after the completion of 60 credit hours and prior to the completion of 75 credit hours. The request will trigger a review of the student’s academic record. After the graduation check process is complete students must obtain permission from the Dean of the College to change majors. Course substitutions and a request to transfer coursework should be submitted on the Course Substitution Request and/or Transfer Course Request form. A Graduation Completion Plan form is also available. 

Graduation Requirements

  1. Completion of a minimum of 125 semester hours of credit with a 2.00 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA). Remedial classes, including all College of the Ozarks classes beginning with a zero (0) do not count toward graduation.
  2. Completion of at least one major with a minimum of a 2.00 GPA for the major. Some majors have higher GPA requirements. If completing a minor, courses must be completed with a minimum of a 2.00 GPA.
  3. Completion of all general education courses with a minimum of a 2.00 GPA.
  4. Completion of at least 36 credit hours of upper division courses. No more than six of those hours may be in internship.
  5. Students with transfer hours must complete a minimum of 45 credit hours at College of the Ozarks. At least 12 credit hours must be in the major field including nine upper division hours. Exceptions may be made with the approval of the Dean of the College.
  6. Participation in the College’s Work Education Program as a full-time student for at least two semesters is required for completion of the degree.
  7. The last 30 hours of credit must be completed at College of the Ozarks unless a waiver is granted in writing from the Dean of the College.
  8. The faculty and the Board of Trustees vote on graduates. To be approved for graduation, all students must have satisfied all degree and instructional requirements, as well as be in compliance with all College regulations at the time of graduation.
  9. Students will graduate with either a Bachelor of Arts degree, Bachelor of Science degree, or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Graduation exercises are held once a year at the close of the spring semester. The exercises are held in two parts, the morning Baccalaureate service and the Commencement program in the afternoon. Attendance at both is required of all degree candidates unless permission to graduate in absentia has been given by the Dean of the College. Permission to graduate in absentia will be considered upon written application submitted before March 30. A $50 graduation fee is required.

In order to graduate in four years, a student should, on the average, complete 31.25 hours per year. Some extended programs may take longer than four years. Full-time students need to have the permission of the Dean of the College to continue past eight semesters. Full-time transfer students need to have the Dean of the College’s permission to attend past the date agreed upon and stated on the graduation check. However, no student may remain in the College as a residence hall student for more than ten semesters.

Independent Study

With the approval of the instructor and the Dean of the College, a student whose grade point average is at least 3.0 may register for an independent study of any course listed in the catalog, but not in a semester when the course is being offered as a classroom course. This study will be pursued under the guidance of the instructor, who may deem the course be completed at any time during the term for which the course is registered. Independent study courses constitute a regular part of the student’s college load. The regulations regarding the Work Education Program, registration, tuition, and fees apply. For a student to take a course by independent study requires special circumstances for approval and is not encouraged.

International Students

International students must comply with all U.S. Immigration regulations. If a student is unsure whether or not an action is legal, he or she should see the College’s international representative in the Registrar’s Office for advice.

Basic requirements for maintaining full-time student status include:

  1. Having a valid passport
  2. Having a valid I-20 form
  3. Enrolling in required number of credits
  4. Working legally
  5. Reporting a change of address or name within ten days of the change.

Upon arrival at the College, international students must report to the international representative on campus with the following items: Passport, I-20 form, and I-94 form.

International students who plan to travel outside the United States are required to visit the international representative on campus to have the I-20 form signed for travel. A visa may be required to enter countries other than the student’s home country. The student should check with the relevant embassy to determine entry requirements.


An internship is an experiential and reflective learning activity that typically occurs in an off-campus setting and is sponsored by the department in which a student is pursuing a major or minor. It includes a broad range of experiences, which are determined by a faculty member in cooperation with an off-campus supervisor. It also includes academic reflection and explicit efforts to connect the internship experience with the student’s classroom learning. Any academic department may offer an internship, and grading for internships is Pass/Fail.

The opportunity to participate in an internship is a privilege and honor reserved for deserving students. The attitudes, behaviors, and work performance of students involved in an internship reflect not only on the students, but also on the sponsoring departments and College of the Ozarks. Thus, students pursuing an internship should take seriously the responsibility associated with an internship. All internships require faculty member and Dean of the College approval.

Students must not be on any type of probation and must have junior or senior standing to participate in an internship. Students may receive monetary compensation for services rendered during an internship. Each internship credit hour requires a minimum of 40 contact hours at the off-campus setting, plus the time required to complete academic reflection on the internship experience. As a guideline, this academic reflection should be a minimum of two hours per credit hour of internship. No more than six internship credit hours may be applied to the College’s 36 upper-division hour graduation requirement.

Further information and forms necessary for participation in an internship experience for credit may be obtained from the supervising faculty member. Applications for internships beginning in the summer, fall, or spring term must be returned to the Dean of the College office prior to the end of the registration period for the term.  Applications for internships that begin in the summer must be submitted to the Dean’s office by the end of the previous spring term. All internships must be completed within the semester (summer, fall, or spring) during which they are registered on the student’s course schedule. Due to the workload of classes and the Work Education Program, students are encouraged to complete internships during the summer. Internships completed during the summer will not incur a tuition charge. 

Joint Enrollment

Enrollment with another institution while enrolled as a student at College of the Ozarks is not permitted without prior approval from the Dean of the College. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES may a College of the Ozarks student joint-enroll with another institution and carry equivalent to a full load unless they are carrying a full course load at College of the Ozarks and are participating in the Work Education Program.

Proficiency Examination for Credit

Any department, upon application by the student, may consider the awarding of credit by means of proficiency examination in any course listed in the catalog in which the student is not enrolled, provided he or she has not completed a more advanced course in that field at the College. The student must complete the proficiency exam with a grade of C or better to receive credit. Credits awarded through proficiency examination are limited to Pass/Fail grades. Completed proficiency examination forms must be submitted to the Dean of the College for approval within one calendar year of the examination. Credit awarded by proficiency examination will not be included in the part-time/full-time hours a student carries for any semester unless a waiver is obtained from the Dean of the College.

Re-entering Students

Students re-entering college after an absence of one year or less may graduate under the requirements of the current catalog or the catalog under which they originally entered. If a student has been gone for more than one year, the current catalog must be used, unless a waiver is obtained from the Dean of the College.


Current students register for classes each semester through Campusweb, which can be accessed either on or off campus, after the student has counseled with an advisor. Registration start dates vary by the number of cumulative hours a student has earned, plus hours being attempted in the current semester. 

Current students who do not have all holds removed or who have not registered by the published deadline will be dropped from classes and withdrawn from the College. Holds include BU-Business Office (financial), DS-Dean of Students (convo/chapel deficiency, etc.), DC-Dean of College (overload/underload), RE-Registrar’s (grad check), HP-Health Clinic, DW-Dean of Work Education (work hours, etc.), FA-Financial Aid (financial aid). Students who wish to be reinstated may do so by the published deadline through the Cashier’s Office and will be charged a $100 processing fee.

Incoming student class schedules are determined by the Registrar’s Office. Students may request adjustments by contacting the Registrar’s Office.

The fifth (5th) day of the semester ends the official registration period for that semester. The number of hours for which a student is registered on the fifth day of the semester will determine the balance due for that semester. This balance due will not change even if a class is dropped later in the semester. Part-time students especially should note this policy.

Repeating a Course

A course may be repeated, but once a course has been taken the grade for the course will be entered permanently on the student’s transcript. The highest letter grade earned will be included in the student’s GPA calculation. Other attempts will be forgiven and removed from the student’s GPA. Approved transfer credit may be used to repeat a course. The transfer credit will forgive other attempts but will not be added to the student’s GPA.

No course may be repeated for the purpose of raising a grade of C or above. If a course is repeated, the hours attempted and grade received for only the highest attempt will be counted toward graduation requirements. Courses with a C-, D+, D, D- or F from College of the Ozarks may be repeated only at College of the Ozarks. Any exceptions require approval by the Dean of the College.

A student who fails the same course two times is subject to suspension at the discretion of the Dean of the College. 

Testing Services

College of the Ozarks is an approved Test Center for the ACT test. Please visit www.act.org to register and/or for additional information.

Career planning activities, which include vocational interest testing and interpretation, are available through the Career Center. Test results and their interpretation are available in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 

In addition, the College’s Education Department offers the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA). All students seeking entrance to the Teacher Education Program must pass the MoGEA. The assessment is offered on several dates each semester in accordance with state and national guidelines. Please visit www.mo.nesinc.com to register and/or for additional information.


Official transcripts may be ordered in the following ways:

  1. ONLINE at the National Student Clearinghouse using a credit card. Current students or alumni with Campusweb access should request transcripts using the link on the Student Resources tab.
  2. IN PERSON at the Office of the Registrar.
  3. BY MAIL by submitting a Transcript Request Form.
  4. Transcript requests for current students submitted during the final grade entry period will not be processed until final grades are finalized each semester. 

If any College of the Ozarks department or facility (e.g., the Dean of Students, Business Office, etc.) has placed a hold on a student’s record, he or she must resolve that hold before a transcript will be released.

Transferring Courses

Transfer courses from regionally accredited institutions with C- grades or above will be accepted by College of the Ozarks for incoming students provided that they are not vocational or remedial in nature.  Transfer courses with grades of D and F will not be accepted.  Accepted courses may count toward graduation requirements, subject to evaluation by the Registrar and Dean of the College. For students entering the College on or after January 1, 2017, and for classes transferred on or after this date the College will not figure transfer grades into the cumulative grade point average. Former students who are readmitted after this date will be under the same policy as first-time students. 

Students may request evaluation of transfer courses from non-regionally accredited institutions after successful completion of their first semester at C of O.  Additional documentation such as course description, syllabi, and faculty credentials may be required.

Official transcripts are evaluated by the Registrar. If the student believes a transfer course has not been correctly evaluated, an appeal may be made to the Registrar, the appropriate Division Chair, the Dean of the College, and if deemed necessary, to the Academic Standards Committee.

College Composition Courses: Transfer equivalency is not guaranteed for college composition courses. Students who desire to transfer in writing courses to meet composition requirements (ENG 103 College Composition and ENG 253 American Rhetoric) must take the College’s Composition Proficiency Exam to determine whether they receive credit for required composition classes or elective credit. This exam is offered regularly on campus.

School of the Ozarks:  Students graduating from School of the Ozarks will be exempt from completing the College’s Christian Worldview I (BTS 103) general education requirement.  

Current students: Current students are strongly discouraged from taking courses from other institutions. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Students should complete the Transfer Course Request form (located on Campusweb) prior to enrolling in a course at another institution to ensure that the course will be accepted by the College. If the course is for the student’s major or minor the approval of a faculty member in that department will also be required. Note to part-time students:  During a semester in which you are enrolled part-time, enrollment in a course at another institution that increases your semester course load to 12 or more hours, requires acceptance as a full-time student at the College and participation in the Work Education Program.

Transferring C of O Credit:  Unless the College has an articulation agreement with another institution, it cannot guarantee credit hours earned at College of the Ozarks will transfer to another institution. Transfer of course credits is solely a function of each institution’s policies.

Advance Placement (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP): Students seeking to earn credit through AP or CLEP should check the College website under Transfer Credits or contact the Registrar’s office regarding course credit.

Military credit: See Veterans of the Armed Forces section.

Transfer credit time limitations: Transfer courses must be completed within a ten-year period prior to transfer to College of the Ozarks. Courses for a specific major or minor with completion dates that exceed the ten-year period may be accepted only with the approval of the appropriate academic department, Division Chair, and Dean of the College.

Associate of Arts degree: An Associate of Arts degree from a fully accredited college or university will fulfill the general education requirements of the College, with the exception that each student must fulfill the required New Student Orientation (IDS 101 ), six hours of Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS 103  and BTS 4003 ), and pass the College’s Composition Proficiency Exam. The A.A. degree does not automatically fulfill the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science distinction or any general education classes specified by particular majors or minors.  Associate in Science degrees, Associate in Applied Science degrees, and CORE 42 do not automatically meet the general education requirements of the College. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 45 credit hours at College of the Ozarks. At least 12 credit hours must be in the major field, including nine upper division hours. Exceptions may be made with the approval of the Dean of the College.

Credit hour requirement: Transfer students must complete a minimum of 45 credit hours at College of the Ozarks. At least 12 credit hours must be in the major field, including nine upper division hours. Exceptions may be made with the approval of the Dean of the College. 

Additional information on transfer policies, including AP and CLEP and transfer equivalencies for local colleges, may be found on the College website under Transfer Credits.

Veterans of the Armed Forces

A student eligible to receive VA educational benefits can obtain information from the Registrar’s Office. To avoid delay of the monthly payment, the veteran should file for a certificate of eligibility before the beginning of his or her first semester. Advanced standing credit for transcripted educational experiences during military service will be granted based the recommendations of the American Council on Education and evaluation by the Registrar. Credit will be awarded for IDS 104 and PED 101 based on documented completion of basic training.

Withdrawing from College

A student wishing to withdraw from the College either during the semester or between semesters should follow the withdrawal policy and procedure on the Campusweb or the C of O website. Charges/refunds (see “Costs and Financial Aid ”) will be determined at the date of the withdrawal; all responsibility of the College for the student is terminated at the time the student is dropped from the College roster. The College reserves the right to dismiss students who fail to do satisfactory work, or who do not cooperate with the College’s official policies.

A student who withdraws during the first five days of the semester will receive a WP grade in all classes.  After the first five days of the semester until one week after mid-term a student who withdrawals will receive a WP or WF (withdrawal passing; withdrawal failing) grade. Students withdrawing during the semester and after the final drop date will receive marks of failure in all courses for which they are enrolled. Under special circumstances, a student may request to withdraw from the College after the official drop date and receive a WP/WF in all classes with approval from the Dean of the College. In addition to completing the Registrar’s withdrawal procedure, resident students must check out of the residence hall with the hall supervisor or resident assistant. Failure to follow these procedures may result in loss of deposit or in additional charges.