2015-2016 College Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2015-2016 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Costs and Financial Aid

College of the Ozarks is dedicated to providing a Christian education to students who are without sufficient financial means, but are willing to work for their education.

The cost to College of the Ozarks for providing an educational opportunity is approximately $18,300 per year for each student. While most colleges and universities pass along a portion of the cost as tuition, this is not the case at College of the Ozarks. The College guarantees to meet each full-time student’s Cost of Education by offering the Work Education Program and a combination of private, institutional, and federal/state aid - but without student or parent loans.

Cost of Education - Summary

Cost of Education charge (2015-16) $18,300  
Resources Available:    
  C of O Work Education Program -4,284  
  Pell Grant (if eligible) -600 to -5,775  

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (if eligible)

  Access Missouri Grant (if eligible) -1,500  
  C of O Cost of Education Scholarship -$5,741 to -14,016  
Cost to Student zero  

Student Expenses

The student is responsible for room, board, fees, books, and personal expenses.
The costs for 2015-16 include:

    Fall Spring  
Board $1,625 $1,625  
Room 1,625 1,625  
Health/Technology/Services Fee 215 215  
Books (estimated) 500 500  
  Semester Total $3,965 $3,965  
  Residence Hall Deposit (refundable) 100    
  Vehicle Registration 10 10  

Health/Technology/Services Fee

This fee is charged for ID cards which admit students to cultural and athletic activities and provides a subscription to the campus newspaper, yearbook, some health clinic services, student accident insurance, and Student Senate activities.

Other Costs

Textbooks, laboratory manuals, and workbooks may be purchased by students at the College bookstore. Students may sell most books back to the bookstore at the close of the term. Each semester approximately $500 should be allowed for the purchase of textbooks and supplies. A graduation fee of $50 is charged to cover a portion of the costs associated with graduation ceremonies.

Commuting Students

College of the Ozarks is a primarily residential college, and permits commuting in limited situations. Students who are permitted to commute abide by the same expectations as resident students. Commuting students pay a $215 Health/Technology/ Services Fee each semester.

Part-time commuters (11 hours or less) pay $310 per credit hour toward the Cost of Education charge, with the remaining costs met by various grants and the institutional scholarship. In order to recieve a degree at College of the Ozarks, students are required to participate in the Work Education Program as a full-time student (during the academic year) for at least two semesters.

All financial obligations owed the College must be cleared before the student can register for subsequent classes or receive a diploma or transcript.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

College of the Ozarks is committed to providing an educational opportunity for students with limited financial resources. In order to determine need, all students are required to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) every year. The application for returning students must be on file in the Financial Aid Office by March 1st each year. Students who do not file the FAFSA by the announced deadline will have a hold applied to registration.  Refer to Registration  for more information. 

Federal Pell Grant

This federal aid program provides financial assistance to undergraduate students. Recipients are determined by the results of the FAFSA. The amount of the Pell Grant is based on the family’s financial resources and the student’s enrollment status. Eligibility is limited to a total of six years. The Pell Grant is credited to the student’s Cost of Education charges.

Federal Work Study Program (FWS)

All full-time students (enrolled in 12 credit hours or more) at College of the Ozarks must participate in the Work Education Program. Students work as a minimum contribution to their Cost of Education, as well as being an integral part of the educational experience. An allotment of Federal Work Study funds (FWS) may be used each year for students with the greatest need. Work Study credits are determined by the federal minimum wage. The Work Education Program is described in the Student Handbook and the Work Education Program  section of this catalog. FWS funds are credited to the student’s Cost of Education charges.

Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This federal grant is available to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. The maximum SEOG award at College of the Ozarks is $1,000. A student applies for the SEOG by filing the FAFSA. The SEOG is credited to the student’s Cost of Education charges.

Access Missouri Grant

Grants are available to full-time students with financial need who are Missouri residents. Students apply for Access Missouri when they file the FAFSA by April 1st. The Access Missouri Grant is credited to the Cost of Education.


Cost of Education Scholarship

The College awards the Cost of Education Scholarship after all grants and work requirements are applied. This serves to meet the remaining cost of education for all full-time students.

Room and Board Scholarships

Room and Board Scholarships are awarded to qualified students who participate in the on-campus summer Work Education Program. Students work twelve 40-hour work weeks. The value of the scholarship for 2015-2016 is approximately $8,900 and is credited to room and board charges for the following year. Summer room and board charges for students participating in the summer Work Education Program are covered by this scholarship. Applications for the summer Work Education Program are made available on Campusweb during the spring semester for students who are currently enrolled. Students accepted for the fall term should contact the Admissions Office for application procedures. Students who do not participate in the summer Work Education Program may elect to retain a campus room at a weekly rate and work at an off-campus job. (The rental program is not available for incoming students.)

C of O Book Scholarships

C of O Book Scholarships are awarded to full-time students with exceptional financial need. Selection is based upon the results of the FAFSA. A bookstore credit of $200 per semester is allowed for qualifying recipients.

Hyer Scholarships

Established under the will of the late L. W. Hyer, these scholarships are presented to over 100 superior students annually. Hyer recipients are awarded $200 for purchase of books and supplies or other expenses each semester.

McKibben Scholarship for Leaders

Established by the generosity of Dr. Joe T. McKibben, these scholarships are the College’s most noteworthy. McKibben Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students by faculty, staff, and administration.

Athletic Scholarships

Forty-eight athletic scholarships are available each year. The Athletic Director determines these awards.

College of the Ozarks Patriotic Scholarship

Refer to the Military Science  section of the catalog.

General Terrence R. Dake, USMC (Ret.) Aviation Scholarship

College of the Ozarks students may apply for a $5,000 scholarship to begin or continue their aviation flight training. This scholarship is established to honor the distinguished military aviation career of General Terrance R. Dake, a C of O alumnus and trustee. Interested students may receive more information by contacting Dr. Eric Bolger, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College.

Ozarks Fellowship

Outstanding graduating seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.2 planning to attend graduate or professional school may apply to the Dean of the College for the honor of being designated an Ozarks Fellow. Recipients of this fellowship receive a stipend during their first year of graduate study. Applications should be sent to the Dean no later than April 1 and include a 500-word essay detailing the student’s graduate plans and financial need, two academic letters of recommendation and one letter of personal reference, and evidence of acceptance to graduate or professional school. Scholarship recipients are announced at the May graduation ceremony.

Other Scholarships

Several funds have been made available by individuals and trust funds to support a special Awards Convocation in the spring of each year. Students are chosen based on citizenship, grades, work performance, leadership, and Christian growth.

Please refer to http://www.cofo.edu for a current listing of scholarships and additional information.

Leo & Violet Adams Scholarship
Alumni Art Scholarship
Clay M. Anderson (Ozark Mountaineer) Scholarship
Associates Work Assignment Scholarship
William G. & Retha Baker Scholarship
Harold & Allyn Barrett Scholarship
Joe Neff Basore Scholarship
Bartlett Respect Scholarship
George S. Beimdiek Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Berg Work Scholarship
H. Norwood & Frances C. Berger Award
Edith Keener Boling Scholarship
Muriel & Carl E. Bolte Memorial Scholarship
Walter Franklin Bradley Scholarship
Breidenthal-Snyder Foundation Scholarship
Joseph E. Brinell Memorial Scholarship
Ray Burley Scholarship
Burlington Northern Sante Fe Foundation Scholarship
Charlotte Byrom Scholarship
Bill Cameron Education Award
J. & M. Carby Scholarship
Lydia Brewer Chester Scholarship
Robert L. Chester Scholarship
Winston Churchill Essay Scholarship
Elizabeth & M. Graham Clark Leadership Scholarship
Ruby Mae Clark Scholarship
Cline-Lofftus Foundation Scholarship
Walter & Marion Cobb Memorial Scholarship
College of the Ozarks Agriculture Endowment
Colene Elmer Croft Scholarship
Curtis Memorial Scholarship
National Society Daughters of American Colonists Scholarship Fund
Olen & Alpha DePew Memorial Scholarship
Waymon M. Dickson, Jr. Music Ministry Memorial Scholarship
Sylvester Doggett Scholarship
Roxana B. Doran Scholarship
Hubert Edwards Scholarship
Wes Edwards Scholarship
Edwin & Francis Ehlers Scholarship
Ernest L. & Berit L. Estes Scholarship
Leon “Shorty” Farrell Scholarship
Dorothea X. Flaherty Memorial Scholarship Fund
J.C., Lela & Janice Franklin Family Scholarship
Florene Briscoe Fratcher Scholarship
Louis & Elsie Fruend Scholarship
Brad Gale Memorial Scholarship
Don & Marie Garner Nursing Program Director Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Germeroth Memorial Scholarship
Roscoe & Ella Goslin Scholarship
Thomas Howard Groves Scholarship
Barrett E. Gourley Memorial Work Scholarship
John Graham Scholarship
Hale-Bradford Courtesy Award
Betty Hallberg Scholarship
Walter W. & Vonee W. Hammers Scholarship
William H. & Myrtle J. Hedrick Endowment
Ella A. Heimburger Scholarship
Lucille Heimburger Scholarship
Sherman Henry Chemistry & Nursing Scholarships
Isabel P. Hiltbrunner Memorial Scholarship
Kenneth E. Hunt Scholarship
Victor Ingrum Scholarship
Wanah M. Jennings Memorial Scholarship
Marie Jessa Academic Award
Johnson-Robinson Family & Consumer Sciences Award
Alice Wycoff Kalber Memorial Scholarship
William Donald Kirk Scholarship
Burton & Margaret Knouf Scholarship
John Patrick Knox, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wayne Konga Music Scholarship
Edwin & Helen Krohn Scholarship
Lake Honor Scholarship
JoAnn Landers Memorial Scholarship
Virginia Gillespie Lucas Scholarship
Mary Lee Thomas Marshall Memorial Scholarship Fund
James & Mary McClung Scholarship
R.H. McCulley Scholarship
Jim McDermott Memorial Science Scholarship
Armstrong McDonald Foundation Scholarship
Kelly McKinnell Memorial Scholarship
Richard & Geraldine Meyer Scholarship
Missouri State Society DAR Scholarship
Marcia Mizell Abernathy Music Theatre Scholarship
James Mott Scholarship in Criminal Justice
John H. Murray English Scholarship
The Samuel L. Murto Memorial Scholarship Fund
National Society Daughters of American Colonists Scholarship
Nancy Stratton Neely Nursing Award
Nilsen Foundation Scholarship
Linda Nottle Memorial Scholarship
Judith K. Oetting Memorial Scholarship
Marvin E. Oetting Memorial Scholarship
Mary E. & Robert D. Newman Scholarship
Genevieve & Ward Orsinger Endowed Scholarship
Ozarks Regional History Award
Claude Parrish Agriculture Scholarship
Ruth Grinstead Peterson Scholarship
Pratt Family Foundation Scholarship
Donald & Clementine Pray Scholarship
Presbyterian Bicentennial Scholarship
Paul M. Robinett Weaving Scholarship
George M. & Elizabeth V. Robinson Scholarship
George C. & Mryna K. (Eggensperger) Roof Scholarship
Dean F. Rouse Scholarship
Geneve Runner Scholarship
William H. & Evelyn H. Shopp Nursing Scholarship
Dewey E. Short Scholarship
Edwin & Kathryn Silverberg Scholarship
Nettie Richarson Simonton Memorial Scholarship
Ethel M. & Howard G. Slagle Scholarship Fund
Eleanor B. Smith Scholarship
Tom Smith Memorial Agriculture Scholarship
Walter W. Venita & Shirley Snelson Scholarship
Roy Southard Scholarship
Student Manager Leadership Award
Karen S. Sweeney Scholarship
Ruth Ramey Sweeney Scholarship
The Golden Rule Award
Ann Liz Thurman Scholarship
James & Virginia Viani Scholarship
Willard & Patricia Walker Scholarship
Chris Waller Scholarship
Carie Diana Washam Memorial Scholarship
Jerrold W. Watson Memorial Scholarship
Karen Watson Memorial Scholarship
Patricia J. Watson Memorial Scholarship
Ama M. & Evelyn M. White Scholarship
Jay L. & Ferne D. Wilder Scholarship
Ben Windham Scholarship
Winfrey Honorary Alumni Scholarship
J. Hugh & Martha Wise Scholarship
Mildred Letton Wittick Scholarship
Mildred Letton Wittick Book Scholarship
The William Carrol Wood Scholarship Fund
Susanna K. Young Scholarship
Alexander Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship

Educational Loans

College of the Ozarks strongly discourages student debt, and therefore does not participate in any federal, state, or private student loan program.

Responsibilities of Financial Aid Recipients

Satisfactory Academic Progress

All students, including those receiving federal or state financial aid, must meet the grade point average requirements outlined under “grade probation ” in the Academic Program  section of the College catalog. Students placed on grade probation are also placed on financial aid probation. Continued probation will be considered for students making satisfactory progress toward raising the cumulative GPA.

Appeals of suspension or dismissal must be addressed to the Dean of the College. If the appeal is approved, additional financial aid eligibility will also be granted. If the appeal is denied, the student will not be eligible to receive financial aid until the cumulative GPA requirement has been met or until an appeal has been approved.

Students who have been suspended and subsequently re-apply for admission must meet cumulative GPA requirements in order to receive federal or state financial aid.

Credit Hour Completion

All students receiving federal or state financial aid must complete a minimum number of credit hours each academic year. This requirement will be checked in May, and students will be notified of any deficiencies. Course incompletes must be removed by August 1 to count toward hours completed for the previous year. Courses may be repeated for credit only if they were failed the first time. Repeating a course to improve a grade will not count as additional credit completed.

Enrollment Status

The number of hours for which a student is enrolled at the end of the add/drop period (first five class days of the semester) determines his/her status as a full-time or part-time student. Changes in status must be approved in advance by the Dean of Admissions.

Full-time students must complete a minimum of 21 hours per year, three-quarter time students must complete 15 hours per year, and half-time students must complete 10 credit hours per year to be considered making satisfactory academic progress for federal and state financial aid.

Qualified, degree-seeking students may receive federal financial aid for a maximum of 180 credit hours or until they have met the requirements for their degree program, whichever comes first. State financial aid programs are awarded for a maximum of 150 credit hours or ten semesters.

Transfer students admitted on financial aid probation must meet the same semester and cumulative GPA requirements as returning students who have been placed on probation.

Refund Policy

Withdrawal occurs when a student officially discontinues enrollment in ALL classes and activities of the College. A withdrawal notice from the Registrar’s Office where the official drop date is recorded will authorize refunds.

Resident Students:

Students who officially withdraw BEFORE classes begin will receive a refund of 100% for Health/Technology/Services Fee, Room, Board, and the Security Deposit (designed to reimburse the College for damages to a residence hall room or furnishings), less any assessment for damage or other amounts due. Students who officially withdraw AFTER classes begin will receive refunds as indicated below:

Cost of Education, Work, and Room Charge: Charges will be pro-rated based on date of withdrawal up to 60% of each semester. After this deadline, no refund will be made. Scholarship funds credited to the student’s account because of participation in the summer work scholarship program are credited only to room and board; these funds are never refunded but will be applied against any future room and/or board at the College.

Meal Charges: Charges will be pro-rated based on date of withdrawal, throughout the semester.

Health/Technology/Services Fee: No refund will be made for official withdrawal or cancellation of admission on or after the first day of scheduled classes. Additionally, the Health/Technology/Services Fee will not be refunded to students who fail to appear for class without an official withdrawal.

Security Deposit: Refund will be made for official withdrawal or cancellation of admission throughout the semester, provided the check out procedure has been completed with the R. A. (Resident Assistant).

Commuting Students:

Students who officially withdraw BEFORE classes begin will receive a refund of 100% for Cost of Education and Health/Technology/Services Fee charges, less any other amounts due. Students who officially withdraw AFTER classes begin will receive refunds as indicated below:

Cost of Education, Part-Time Class Charges, and Work Charges: Charges will be pro-rated based on date of withdrawal, up to 60% of each semester. After this deadline, no refund will be made.

Health/Technology/Services Fee: No refund will be made for official withdrawal or cancellation of admission on or after the first day of scheduled classes. Additionally, the Health/Technology/Services Fee will not be refunded to students who fail to appear for class without an official withdrawal.

Refund distribution will be made in the following order: Federal Pell Grant, other Title IV aid, other federal sources of aid, state aid, private and institutional sources, student. If the student made the payment to the College in cash, the refund will be made to the student. If the payment was made by scholarship from an outside organization, the refund will be made to the awarding organization. If the payment was made by a scholarship from College of the Ozarks, the scholarship will be canceled. Examples of the application of this policy are available upon request from the Financial Aid Office.

All financial obligations to the College must be cleared before the student can receive a diploma or transcript.

Change of Status Refund Policy

Full-time students who drop to part-time status after the fifth (5th) day of the semester are liable for the full 280 hours of student labor (which may either be worked or paid in cash at the discretion of the Dean of Work Education). Any change in status must be approved by the Dean of Admissions in advance. Students who are approved for off-campus status during the current semester are responsible for paying the full amount of room and board that semester.

Duplicate Scholarship Refund Policy

In the event that a student is awarded duplicate room and board scholarships (either full or partial), the resulting credit in the student’s account may be used as follows:

  • to cover room and board charges, Cost of Education (if the student becomes part-time), Health/Technology/Services Fees, and to buy books.